Week 13

This week in excel we have been doing pivot tables and absolute sums this has been not very dificult as i have been getting better at Excel, i have made steady progress in hardware as we started the computer building

Friday 9th of November

This week in Excel was quite challenging as of introduction of “Absolute references” into the Exercises we are doing, in computer building just like last week we did nothing for the majority of the class because of technical problems with 3 PC’s and had to get the technical support guy to come in and have a look we have 6 logs to do in that class so hopefully will get a better start next week, I passed my data security multiple choice assessment which i am pretty happy about and also passed the multiple choice in Computer hardware, communications i made some progress with the essay which is due i only have a paragraph left to write and that’s to be handed in for next Thursday which gives me plenty of time to do it and also i am really starting to enjoy the coding side of things like with Visual basic this week has been easy and no complaints.

November 2nd

This week has been quite boring as of all the assessments that have been getting thrown our way, In Computing Hardware we are have moved onto the practical side after doing the theory, I’m not finding anything that difficult and am getting on well with most things, after being in Hospital for 5 weeks and recovering from the surgery coming back to College and catching up wasn’t that hard as most subjects hadn’t progressed that much at all, I am caught up on most things minus a few, The one subject i find very boring and just dislike in general is comms(Communications) we currently are doing essays which i honestly would rather not do.

Tutorial Support (Week 2)

This week started off with MOS Excel which I find really tiresome I’ve never liked that program even doing it in school it’s not hard or anything it’s just a pain, I don’t have a problem with any of the subjects I have and I enjoy most of them equally, I really enjoy Data Security for the sole fact i actually enjoy Cyber security and everything surrounding it, since I started my time has been really good no complaints or anything, Most of the stuff that’s been happening the past 2 weeks isn’t really interesting or worth writing about its mostly been starter tasks and overviews of the course etc…

On a personal level I’m going for spinal surgery on the 14th of September which will have me off college for at least 3 weeks and I’m getting a bit anxious of missing all that time in class as I don’t want to fall behind on my work not sure how I’m going to be able to catch up.


(Photoshop work in Tutorial Support)

How do I get popular on Twitch?

Sorry to spoil it for you but its not that easy.

To get “Popular” or at least semi successful on Twitch is quite a hard job in it’s self, With Twitch having over 15 Billion concurrent users on its site and every single of those users has the ability to Stream anything they choose, Its very rare your actually going to get any attention on Twitch as i previously mentioned with so many people Streaming on the platform, There is a few way you could do things make your channel stand out from the rest ohh waitt…. every single other person is doing the same thing, Twitch to me these days well trying to start a streaming career is basically pointless genuinely the growth rate for your channel will practically look like a joke, Unless by the off chance you get a host off of someone semi popular your only way of dragging viwers in is through other means, Like joining streaming communities to help each other gain popularity but even with that there is still not much point in it, A lot of people do just stream for fun which is fair enough.

Streaming for fun is much better than streaming for the money because at least if your having fun you won’t be annoyed about not having viewers / followers which is a really great attitude to have me personally i have considered moving to YouTube Gaming which is YouTube’s live streaming service or even caffeine which is the new Streaming platform recently to be noted as a competitor for Twitch.

To finish this off id like to thank you for reading this any criticism is always welcomed.


(Pepe which is a very famous meme)

The New Twitch Terms Of Service

The New Twitch TOS

In February of 2018 Twitch.tv announced its TOS (Terms Of Service) would be changing, Around that time Twitch had been getting some heat for wrongfully banning Streamers over the Slightest of things,  So we all thought this new TOS would be the end of Twich…

But somehow Twitch did manage to get through it, Nowadays you canget banned off of Twitch for just about anything these days, Even something as stupid as what your community says as if your responsible for every single user that follows you its honestly so stupid sometimes, You can’t even call your friends anything too harsh now or its a nice 24 hour ban for you.

Iv’e ranted enough about this topic and if i went any further i would be going for ages so thanks for reading.

(These posts are just mainly my opinion of things and i do get things wrong so if you spot anything let me know because it helps me better the quality of the posts)

(Popular Emote at the time of the TOS changes)